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Erwin van Maaren of Nedcam: ‘Together with DuFor we are working on the future’

25 April 2024
Erwin van Maaren of Nedcam: ‘Together with DuFor we are working on the future’

For several years, DuFor has been working together with Nedcam, and our cooperation has expanded over time. Not only do we supply the necessary materials for 3D printing, but we have also entered into a grant program together, with NHL Stenden and NLR, for the development of 3D printable materials that can be used in high quality construction applications. The cooperation with Nedcam is one that not only we are very happy with, but also Erwin van Maaren, director at Nedcam. Read further to hear his thoughts.

 Nedcam produces molds, models, prototypes and complete products from various materials based on digital 2D and 3D designs. For 3D printing in particular, Nedcam sought a partner to help make their process circular. Soon they came in contact with DuFor, because circularity is what really excites us. Just look at our ReSpec program. It’s no surprise that this aligns well with Nedcam’s needs. “There were a number of companies that could help us with this, but we had a good feeling with DuFor immediately. With them, we can count on fast responses. In the past we worked with another company, but that was too big an organization. So when we entered the grant process, we deliberately chose DuFor.”

Pushing the right buttons

The development process has already yielded a lot, Erwin says: “It was a very successful process, during which we really gained momentum. The good collaboration with all parties has created a nice development curve. DuFor had an important share in this.. They carefully considered our requirements and did  extensive testing. DuFor pushed the right buttons to provide us with new material for testing.”

Shared ambitions

Meanwhile, the 3D printer has made its first prints, including a large 12-meter print. “The possibilities for making this process circular are enormous. We are almost to the point where we can fully deploy it for market demand. To do that, we still have some final hurdles to overcome. For example, we need to know how we can recycle the materials on a large scale and how often we can use the same material. But also practical matters like how we can transport the parts later. So far, we have experienced a very rapid development. And that’s partly thanks to DuFor. It’s not an unwieldy organization, they can switch quickly and have a lot of knowledge. They  focus onthe manufacturability of the product and how it fits into a closed loop. DuFor and Nedcam share the same ambitions and we are all equally committed to making this project a success.”


“Together we are working on the future. We are still at the beginning with 3D printing now; there is still a lot to come. We are moving towards a world in which we want to avoid waste, both on the front and back end. To realize this, we need DuFor’s expertise, together we keep each other balanced.”

Are you curious how we can assist you? Contact one of our specialists. They will be happy to tell you more about the possibilities.

Wondering what projects we are working on with Nedcam? You can read it here.

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